Nautilis Oled thermometer firmware upgrade (6.3.2)

The latest firmware version for the thermometer and pressure sensor has the ability to send data via HTTP. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that enables the exchange of data over a network. With the Nautilis termometer or Nautilis iPressure, you can send data using the HTTP protocol to other devices or servers that can process and display the data or use it for another purpose. HTTP allows for fast and easy data exchange and is one of the most commonly used protocols for data exchange on the internet.

Nautilis Oled thermometer firmware upgrade (6.2.0)

Due to the incompatibility of the new BLYNK application and the high price of a new subscription to Blynk services, Nautilis devices will no longer support Blynk. Blynk Legacy will be removed from all devices in future firmware updates. MQTT support was added instead. 

Did you know?

Did you know that every Nautilis WiFi thermometer can be iRelay? How? Just upgrade the firmware and a miracle will happen :) The only thing is that the thermometer, because it does not have an external antenna, will have a weaker signal and will not have the power to receive data from stainless steel fermenters. But if you don’t have a problem with that this is quite a handy option. Of course, the possibility of switching from iRelay to a thermometer is also valid.

DIY Nautilis Temperature Controller V6 – MIDI